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Coconut Oil Makes the Headlines Again: Alzheimer Miracle?

Imagine the cure to your ailment was inside your kitchen or bathroom cabinet?  The brain is the engine of our existence and needs the right nutrients to sustain it until... Read More

The Importance Of Sleeping Between 10PM – 2AM

Getting a good night’s sleep is an effortless technique to create longevity and health. Deep rest during the night helps you fight stress, maintain a healthy weight, and keeps your... Read More

Detox: How It Can Help You?

As human beings we all get tired from working too hard, After running we take a rest by sitting or napping, our human body works the same way. Your digestive... Read More

What They’re Not Telling You About Honey

Honey is used in our daily lives, whether inside our tea, on our toast or even as a sweetener in your food. Most people have been purchasing regular honey from... Read More